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Large-Scale Mobile Emergency Medical Unit

Introducing CRX OMU (Operational Medical Unit). Surges happen. Whether serving a mass gathering or there is a hurricane, tornado, or an act of terrorism, you must be prepared to provide continuous medical care. When infrastructure is damaged or capacity diminished, the need for surge relief is immediate and may last for weeks. CrowdRx’s CRX OMU, a mobile emergency medical unit that provides immediate access to critical care, is the solution.

This versatile unit is primarily used for major event coverage but can also be used to temporarily replace or supplement a hospital emergency department. It provides robust medical care at the site of a disaster or major event.


CRX OMU is unique to CrowdRx and is brings together the advantage of on-site medical care married with a true emergency medical unit. Fully mobile and capable of being driven onto your location, our 53 foot long, 1,000 square foot facility can be up and running quickly upon arrival. This mini hospital has 15 patient beds, 4 of them for critical care and can be expanded with our western shelters directly attached.

At the heart of our mobile operations for large events and disasters, CRX OMU with our fleet of emergency vehicles and trailers is staffed with the top physicians in emergency medicine along with the most experienced EMS, nursing and operations/logistics crews, making CRX OMU a truly mobile hospital.

CRX OMU Capabilities and Deployment Requirements


  • CRX OMU travels as a 53-foot tractor trailer plus additional support vehicles and smaller trailers.
  • It is a 1,000-square-foot medical care trailer, equipped and staffed to manage minor to severe emergency medical conditions.
  • CRX OMU can be operational within hours of arrival onsite.
  • Can be self-sustaining using generators or local shore power.
  • Emergency medical supplies travel with the fleet.
  • It includes fifteen beds total, four with critical care capabilities.
    Expandable Western Shelter tents can significantly enhance surge capability.


  • Hard surface, preferably a concrete pad, although asphalt is possible
  • The footprint of the hospital trailer only, without the deployable tent, is 120 x 35 feet, plus nearby space to park the accompanying supply unit
  • In the unusual event that the tent should be deployed to increase capacity for patient care, dormitory, or other uses, that footprint would be 120 x 120 feet
  • Additional boot connector available to integrate seamlessly with other disaster or regional response teams utilizing tent-based facilities

Working with State-of-the-Art Equipment

CRX OMU is a mobile hospital designed to provide robust medical care at the site of a disaster or major event.

Looking to speak with a CRX OMU Specialist?

Get more details on deployment requirements and CRX OMU’s capabilities. For more information submit the form below or call us now at 888.912.7693