Providing physician-led coverage for 70,000 fans and thousands more staff and participants.
Fans may not have noticed our presence when attending the Big Game – but that’s how we like it. Covering 70,000 plus in attendance, hundreds of stadium, league and operations staff, as well as the participants is all in a day’s work for CrowdRx. Our staff and resources were diligently providing emergency medical coverage from beginning to end while also coordinating local teams, equipment, and incidence data for this prominent event.
Providing medical coverage for the Big Game is the equivalent to that of a small city, potentially stretching existing local medical, EMS, and hospital resources beyond capacity. As the current in-house, physician-led team for SoFi Stadium, CrowdRx was the perfect choice to add the necessary resources to meet the complex medical coverage requirements that this event entails. Our teams covered the entire stadium complex and grounds providing medical care when and where it was needed.

CrowdRx was tasked with providing top-level, on-site care while working to reduce transport rates to local areas hospitals and treatment centers. However, along with our parent company Global Medical Response, our teams were equipped to provide immediate transport for incidents where on-site services may not meet the patient’s critical care needs. This principal goal to provide expert-level care on site is not only cost effective for the coverage of the attendees, but it also goes hand-in-hand with our core principles to reduce strain on surrounding communities.
CrowdRx coordinated the on-site emergency medicine physicians, registered nurses, and EMS personnel covering any medical incidents but we also provided logistics and real-time data services to SoFi Stadium and Los Angeles County operation teams. CrowdRx and GMR staff, with our extensive inventory of GMR transport vehicles and clinical equipment, provided our services to every corner of the stadium grounds.

With our blend of services, EMS staff, operations resources, and GMR transport units, CrowdRx is uniquely suited to cover large events like the Big Game. We were able to reduce patient transport rates by ramping up our teams while utilizing our physician and nurse led model of engagement. Our operations group managed the real-time incidence data gathering along with its dissemination to the right teams, allowing the effective management of resources in the stadium and surrounding areas. These strategies allowed stadium, city, county and outside resources to perform regular activities without the strain of undue increases in emergency calls.

With the right partner like CrowdRx leading the way, our clients can be confident that their events will be a safe and engaging experience for all involved. For more information on our customized event medical services and mobile medical solutions please visit our services pages for Event Medical Services and Mobile Medical Solutions.